MTO-DOT Audits

MTO-DOT Audits

ABS SafeCom has been specializing in MTO & DOT Safety & Compliance Audits since 2002. Our experts review the MTO & DOT Audits & conduct an analysis of your SAFETY RATING within the transportation industry.

We work with our clients to inform them about their standings.

ABS SafeCom also keeps you up to date on Federal and State compliance information that impacts your Safety Rating.

ABS SafeCom will assist you with:

  • MTO & DOT Audits
  • MTO’s Show Cause Meeting
  • Safety Action Plans
  • C-TPAT or PIP Audit
  • IFTA & IRP Audits

Each & Every Audit is not the same.

ABS SafeCom offers tailor-made Solutions (Complying with Regulations), that lead you to PASS any AUDIT.

Before You Start, Be Safety Smart!
Safety & Compliance is a full-time job – do not make it a part-time practice!

Why is the CVOR or DOT Number Important?

A Carrier Safety Rating is a public label that is assigned to your trucks. The Registrar of Motor Vehicles or CSA, FMCSA of the US assigns a RATING to a carrier based on the company’s safety record.

This RATING includes:

  • *Collisions
  • *Convictions
  • *Inspections
  • *Facility Audits
  • NOTE:
  • Carrier’s (YOUR COMPANY) Safety Ratings are available to the PUBLIC.

A Carrier’s SAFETY RATING provides information about their performance. Insurance companies, financial institutions, competitor and shippers can find out a Carrier’s SAFETY RATING and use this information to make informed decisions. Carriers with good SAFETY RATINGS can promote themselves to potential customers: - whereas Carriers with poor SAFETY RATINGS are easily identified.

If you are having MTO or DOT issues or are interested in improving your Carrier’s SAFETY RATING, contact ABS SafeCom. We have assisted hundreds of Commercial Motor Vehicle Operators, Carriers and Drivers with just about every conceivable CVOR-related matter with the Ministry of Transportation (Canada) and the US Department of Transportation. We provide ongoing full support during a MTO or DOT Internal Facility Audit.

The following areas will be included in ABS SafeCom’s Internal Facility Audit Review (done before the MTO or US DOT Audit)

  • CVOR Analysis and SAFETY RATING Review
  • MCMIS Review
  • CSA Administrations SMS Review
  • Carrier Policies and Procedures
  • Driver, Company Profiles Review
  • Preventive Maintenance Policy Review
  • Maintenance Profiles Review
  • Accident Register Review
  • LOG BOOKS Auditing and Reviewing
  • Driver Hiring and Orientation Review
  • Enforcement Inspections and Violation Files Review & more

How are carriers selected for an audit by DOT?

Compliance review

In-house inspections are an established fact of life for motor carriers. A visit from a Department of Transportation official to conduct a compliance review may be triggered by any number of factors. For example:

  • New carriers (or carriers who have never been audited)
  • Follow-up to a conditional or unsatisfactory review
  • An investigation of a safety-related complaint(s) which are deemed valid and serious enough to warrant a compliance review
  • A high-profile or fatal accident
  • A request by a motor carrier to audit its operation

The majority of carriers audited are selected from based on a High Risk carrier definition under the Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) enforcement model.

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) adopted a High Risk motor carrier definition. Under the definition, passenger carriers are “High Risk” if they have two or more of the following Behavior Analysis and Safety Improvement Categories (BASICs), most closely correlated with crash risk, at or above the 90th percentile for one month and they have not received onsite investigation (audit) in the previous 12 months: Unsafe Driving, Crash Indicator; HOS Compliance, and Vehicle Maintenance. Non-passenger carriers are considered “High Risk’’ if they have two or more of these BASICs at or above the 90th percentile for two consecutive months and they have not received an onsite investigation in the previous 18 months. This defined High Risk list will be the Agency’s investigative priority. It will allow the Agency to more promptly conduct investigations of carriers that pose the greatest risk to public safety, rather than placing carriers at high crash risk in a longer queue of investigations.

ABS Safecom is a proud member of and Partner in Safely with