Upgrade Your Safety Rating

  • Your Goal must be Zero Violations. Stop Violations before they Stop You.
  • Each Audit is not the same. We offer Tailor - Made Solutions (Complying with Regulations) THAT LEAD YOU TO SUCCESS in any AUDIT.

Why be concerned

Your Safety rating on both sides of border can make or break your Business. Conditional or Unsatisfactory rating will bring queries from customers, keep away your prospective clients, rate increases or cancellations from insurers and above all, increased attention from monitoring authorities. FMCSA and MTO are increasing their Control over motor carriers leading to increased chance of audit.

Conditional or Unsatisfactory Safety Rating

When you are assigned a Conditional or Unsatisfactory rating the authorities has determined that you do not have “adequate safety management controls in place to ensure compliance with the safety fitness standard.”

If left unaddressed, it could bring your business to a grinding halt and prioritizes your trucks for an increased level of roadside inspections which possibly increases the number of violations exposed and further worsens your ratings.

The Conditional or Unsatisfactory rating usually is the result of a compliance review conducted by an officer. The officer determines the violations and a rating is assigned based on the following categories:

  • Adequacy of safety management controls.
  • Frequency and severity of regulatory violations.
  • Frequency and severity of driver/vehicle regulatory violations.
  • Number and frequency of out–of–service driver/vehicle violations.
  • Increase or decrease in similar types of regulatory violations.
  • Frequency of accidents; hazardous materials incidents; accident rate per million miles; indicators of preventable accidents; and whether such accidents, hazardous materials incidents, and preventable accident indicators have increased or declined over time.
  • Number and severity of violations of CMV and motor carrier safety rules, regulations, standards, and orders.
A Path to Upgrading

ABS SafeCom can Help You if you are having MTO or DOT issues. If you want to improve your Carrier’s SAFETY RATING, we can assist.

Over the years, we have assisted hundreds of Commercial Motor Vehicle Operators, Carriers, and Drivers with just about every conceivable CVOR-related matter with the Ministry of Transportation (Canada) and the US Department of Transportation.

The first order of business is to understand the deficiencies and what controls were missing. We understand your fleet and review it according to your needs.

Areas included in our INTERNAL FACILITY AUDIT Review:

  • CVOR Analysis and SAFETY RATING
  • Carrier Policies and Procedures
  • Drivers, Vehicles and Company Profiles
  • Preventive Maintenance Policy
  • Maintenance Profiles
  • Accident Register
  • LOG BOOK Auditing
  • Driver Hiring and Orientation
  • Enforcement Inspections and Violations Files

Once that task is complete, you need to convince authorities that you now deserve a rating upgrade to Satisfactory. We make their request on evidence that they have taken the corrective action identified in their safety management controls, as well as developed and implemented a sustainable plan to bring the company into compliance.

Safety upgrade and Compliance review can take long time and You do not want your request to be denied because of flaws. ABS SafeCom has the experience and expertise to develop a complete safety management plan. We make sure that your plan is approved as well as you get an upgrade.

We Represent our Clients for:

MTO & DOT  MTO’s Show Cause   Safety Action 

Contact ABS SafeCom to develop your Safety Management Plan and Rating Upgrade Request.


Build A Strong Partnership

A partnership with ABS will bring expertise to examine past practices, help you develop an improvement plan and recommend solutions. Our Team of experts will device a “convincing” solution and will implement that plan.

We take care of you Safety needs despite the size of you fleet and provide you with:

  • More efficient handling of your safety and compliance program
  • Support from qualified people in all phases of safety, compliance, and regulations
  • Reduced personnel costs
  • Allow you more time to focus on your core business

We are not just consultants, but also your partner in safety and compliance, providing you with a customized safety and compliance program that reduces your safety and regulatory exposure.

We Keep You Up-to-Date on Federal and State compliance information that impacts your Safety Rating!

ABS Safecom is a proud member of and Partner in Safety with