International Registration Plan

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As of January 1, 2015, the International Registration Plan (IRP) changed to incorporate the Full Reciprocity Plan (FRP). FRP will eliminate the concept of estimated distance and use actual distance travelled by a fleet in each of the jurisdictions visited.

Any carrier whose registration year began on or after January 1, 2015, will be subject to FRP provisions, regardless of when the renewal application was processed. This includes supplements created (i.e. adding a new vehicle or transferring an existing vehicle) after a fleet has been renewed on January 1, 2015.

Simplifying IRP

The Full Reciprocity Plan (FRP) will make IRP more equitable and more flexible:

  • Members can operate in any IRP jurisdiction without making changes to the Cab card
  • Cab cards will list every jurisdiction
  • Fees will be assessed on the actual distance travelled in the previous year
  • Carriers will pay only for the jurisdictions in which they travel

There will be no more:

  • Adding jurisdictions to the Cab card
  • Estimates
  • Fees over 100%
  • Trip permits for IRP carriers

We can help you with your IRP needs. Contact us for more information.

What is the effective date of the FRP?
January 1, 2015

How will fees be calculated?
Carriers will have all jurisdictions listed on their Cab card and be permitted to operate in all IRP jurisdictions. The registrant will only pay fees in the jurisdictions in which they had actual travel in the reporting period. Estimating distances will no longer be necessary. How will fees be calculated if the carrier has no actual distance?
Registration fees for new fleets or when the fleet being renewed did not accumulate any actual distance in the reporting period will be calculated for all jurisdictions, using the Prince Edward Island Average Per Vehicle Distance chart.

What is the Average Per Vehicle Distance chart and how often is it updated?
This chart is based on the average distance reported by fleets registered in Prince Edward Island for all IRP jurisdictions. This chart will be updated by March 31 of each year.

Are existing IRP Carriers subject to the Average Per Vehicle Distance chart calculation when renewing after January 1, 2015.
No, existing carriers renewing after January 1, 2015 will continue to pay fees only in the jurisdictions in which they had actual travel in the reporting period.

Can a new fleet use a combination of actual and estimated distances?
No, a new fleet can only use the Average Per Vehicle Distance chart to determine fees for all jurisdictions.

What if the Carrier only has actual distance in Prince Edward Island in the reporting period?
Do they pay 100% of Prince Edward Island’s fees? Yes

What impact does FRP have on Carriers renewing prior to January 1, 2015?
For Carriers who have renewed prior to January 1, 2015 the old provisions of the Plan will be in effect until they renew. Cab cards will only display those jurisdictions specifically requested by the carrier and where fees have been paid. Until they renew in 2015, they will still be required to “add jurisdictions” or purchase trip permits for jurisdictions not listed on their Cab card.

What weight will be displayed on the Cab card where there is no actual distance and no fee collected for a jurisdiction?
The Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) will be displayed on the Cab card for every jurisdiction, regardless if fees were collected or not. The base declared weight, plus the comparable weight for each jurisdiction, should be reflected.

How does a Carrier increase their weight during a registration year after being registered under FRP?
Fees for an increase in weight will be calculated only for jurisdictions in which the Carrier had reported actual distance. If no actual distance was reported, then no registration fees will be collected, until the fleet accumulates distance in the jurisdiction. Note: There will be a $ 50.00 administrative fee charged by Prince Edward Island.

For Carriers that operate only in Canada, will it be necessary for them to get a US DOT number if all jurisdictions are on their cab cards?
No, just because the US jurisdictions are listed on the Cab card doesn’t mean they will operate in the US. However, the issuance of registration documents does not exempt a Carrier from obtaining any additional permits that may be required by a jurisdiction in which they are travelling in.

The Full Reciprocity Plan (FRP) will change the Plan to make the Plan more efficient, more equitable and more flexible for its member jurisdictions and registrants by granting full reciprocity for all apportioned vehicles in all member IRP jurisdictions and removing from the Plan any provisions related to estimated distance.

IRP Registration
The International Registration Plan (IRP) is a US-based plan that allows for the distribution of registration fees for commercial motor vehicles travelling inter-jurisdictionally through member states and provinces. Ontario implemented IRP on April 1, 2001. All carriers travelling outside Ontario with vehicles having a gross weight more than 11,793 kg or having 3 or more axles regardless of weight, should register in IRP. Otherwise, these carriers will have to purchase trip permits to travel outside Ontario. The IRP provides blanket registration for trucks and buses as an alternative to individual reciprocity agreements and distributes truck and bus registration fees among member jurisdictions based on the number of kilometers carriers travel in other jurisdictions. Vehicles will have one license plate and registration document which allow travel in all jurisdictions.

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