Cargo Tank Truck Rollover Prevention

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The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), in association with the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) and industry partners, created this tool as a training aid for commercial drivers of cargo tank motor vehicles transporting hazardous materials.

Cargo Tank Truck Rollover Prevention Video

These 17 minutes can save your life—and the lives of others!

This training video covers the four approaches to reducing cargo tank truck rollovers:

Vehicle design and performance

  • Load effects
  • Highway factors
  • Driver factors

Over 78% of rollovers involve driver error. As a driver, YOU are the key component for preventing rollovers. The preview above highlights what you’ll see in the full 17 minute video.

So why do rollovers happen and what can you do to prevent them? This Cargo Tank Truck Rollover Prevention video answers those questions and more.

You’ll see how rollovers happen, why they happen, and what you can do to avoid them.

  • You’ll hear how vehicle design and loads affect rollover potential.
  • You’ll learn the warning signs of unsafe behaviors and conditions that contribute to rollovers.
  • And you’ll watch survivors of rollovers tell their stories.

This video will show you how to:

Avoid sudden movements that may lead to rollovers

  • Control your load in turns and on straight roadways
  • Identify high risk areas on roads
  • Remain alert and attentive behind the wheel
  • Control speed and maintain proper “speed cushions”

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